When Moving Stress, Family, and Schedules Take Over

stressed couple with moving boxesIf you are showing your home to potential buyers and getting prepared for that big move, you are probably feeling the weight of the world on your shoulders right about now. For families, selling, moving, and all the requirements of your regular daily schedules can culminate into the perfect storm of discontent and stress.

How do you keep up with helping with homework, chauffeuring kids to after school sports, extra hours needed to prepare for that big presentation at work, laundry, dinner, and keeping the house clean enough that buyers won’t run the other direction? It can be completely overwhelming, but there are a few tricks you can try in order to hold onto your sanity in this busy, stressful time.

  • The house is a mess: Try and set aside time on Sunday to do a good cleaning, top to bottom of each room. Than as you start your week, tackle a quick spot-cleanup (10 minutes) of one room (like Monday take on the living room) each weekday. Ask for help. If each family member did a 10 minute clean up one pre-assigned room, your house cleaning would be pretty much under control. Or, at least would not send buyers running. This includes picking up toys, clutter, putting things back in their place and emptying trash. A light dusting can finish it off. For bathrooms a quick cleanup with pre-moistened anti-bacterial wipes can make things shine again.

  • Dinner is difficult: So, you have a showing set for 7 p.m. and your son has baseball practice from 5-7. There is no way you are prepping a quick dinner or popping something in the oven. Try making a crock pot meal that has meat and veggies all together. Just make certain it is not strong in odor since you are having a showing that evening too. Or surrender to the family dinner being pizza at a local restaurant. This is a time in your life when dining out can feel medicinal to your stress levels.

  • You have no idea how you to move or pack: Consider finding a quality moving company to help. As with most things, an objective opinion from someone who used the mover is best. Online customer reviews can give you an idea of which companies consistently do good work, and it's a good way to narrow down the recommendations you get from friends. Most moving companies will perform a free in-home survey to determine the cost of moving. This is the best and easiest way to find out how much you can expect to pay. Get several estimates then make a decision based on both cost and customer reviews you checkout online.

  • Everyone is grumpy: Showing your home can be a stressful time for everyone. You kids may not feel 100 percent on-board with the move or with strangers looking around their room. During this time, let your child know their help and opinions are valuable, have meaning to you, and you are thankful for their help. Also, once you have found your new home, explore what is close by, like shopping areas, coffee shops, the library, skate parks, movie theaters and the easiest driving route to school. This is the first step into making the new community feel more like home and easing the level of stress everyone feels about the future.

Moving can be chaotic and stressful, so it is best to address the underlying causes that are keeping you awake at night or making you or your family feel overwhelmed. Find a solution that makes each issue a bit easier to manage and you will boost everyone’s level of comfort during this momentous period in your family’s life.

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