What's Up This Weekend | April 11th

Verani Realty

We’re in the midst of some very trying and unprecedented times, with events and regular entertainment on hold for the foreseeable future. A lot of people are taking extra precaution and staying in - but we all know, we can go a little stir crazy after a while. So instead of highlighting events around New Hampshire and Massachusetts, we’re going to give you a few ideas of what you can do to stay not only physically but mentally healthy in these times. Times like this can be stressful and overwhelming, so we’re here to give you some tips that will be beneficial to your body and mind. 

Tips to Stay Physically and Mentally Well at Home: 

  1. Keep Up With Your Daily Routine: Living your day-to-day life all within the four walls of your home can be disorienting. Working, living, and playing all in one place can take a toll on the mind. So stick to your everyday routine, shower, get dressed in something other than PJ’s, small things in the morning will help bring you back a sense of normalcy.
  2. Small Housekeeping Chores: Small chores you can do on a daily basis will help ease your mind and stress. Try making your bed in the morning, sweeping the floors, and keeping dirty dishes from piling up in the sink. Any little bit will help declutter your home and mind.
  3. At Home Exercises: Going from your bed to your office chair to your couch can take a toll on your body. Try adding in some exercise time to do some stretching, yoga, ab exercises, anything to get your body moving. 
  4. Get Organized: With all of our worlds blending together at home, it’s easy to become overwhelmed. The best way to stay organized is to write a daily list of things you’d like to accomplish and chores you’d like to do that day. Checking things off your list will help you feel productive.
  5. Get Outside: It’s amazing what a little sunshine and vitamin D can do for your mood. So take some time to get up, put the screens down, and get outside. You can spend the time in your yard reading a good book, gardening, eating a meal, or even take a stroll around the neighborhood. 
  6. Get Ahead of Your Stress: It’s understandable that in times like these we have more stress than usual. But before it becomes too much, take some steps to get ahead of that stress. Take time to meditate, take a long shower or bath, reach out to a friend for some connection outside your home, and incorporate some breathing exercises into your day. 

Hopefully these tips will help you manage both your physical and mental health in these unprecedented times. Being at home for an extended period of time can feel a little overwhelming and boring, but the actions we’re taking today will help bring us a better tomorrow.  Here at Verani Realty, we are invested in making your home dreams come true, so if you’re in the market for a new sanctuary, we can help! Visit Verani.com for more information, besides, admiring some homes for sale in NH and MA can be done from inside too! 

We hope everyone is staying healthy and safe during this time. We’re here if you need us!

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