What's Up Around The House This Weekend | March 21

Verani Realty

We’re in the midst of some very trying and unprecedented times, with events and regular entertainment on hold for the foreseeable future. A lot of people are taking extra precaution and staying in - but we all know, we can go a little stir crazy after a while. So instead of highlighting events around New Hampshire and Massachusetts, we’re going to give you a few ideas of what you can do around your house this weekend!

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Indoor Activities:

  1. Play a Board Game - turn off the TV and put away the phones, a family game night is the perfect way to bond and bring back some laughter. 
  2. Puzzle It Up - When you have a lot of time on your hands, get those hands working on a puzzle! This gets your brain working and gives you incredible satisfaction once it’s complete. 
  3. Just Dance - Make a playlist of all your favorite tunes, oldies, rock, pop, whatever you’re into. Once it’s complete, turn it up and dance like nobody's watching!
  4. Movie Marathon - Who actually has time to sit and watch all the Harry Potter movies in a row? Now you do! Throw on your favorite movies or dive into some new flicks, grab some snacks and get comfortable!
  5. Spring Cleaning - We all know that cleaning your home is a never ending job. Between laundry and dishes, we never seem to have time for a deep clean. Now's the perfect time to roll up your sleeves and scrub - it will leave you feeling refreshed and productive. 

Outdoor Activities:

  1. Fire Up the Grill - Weather permitting, grilling up some delicious food can be a great way to escape the home without actually leaving your property. It will get you outside and enjoying a delicious meal.
  2. Toss the Ball Around - Grab your dusty mit and baseball, the old pig skin, or even just the classic frisbee and hit the yard. This will get you running around, being active, and enjoying some time outside without being in public.
  3. Take a Walk - If you’re able to, take yourself or a furry friend out for a walk around the neighborhood. It’s a great way to get out of the house while keeping your interaction with others very low.
  4. Yard Work - Spring is in the air and there’s no better time to do some spring maintenance to the exterior of your home and yard. 
  5. Have an Outdoor Picnic - Make a few sandwiches, grab the family, and dine out in your yard! Enjoy the freshness of the air while chatting with your family over a nice lunch!

Self Care: 

  1. Meditation - Take a few minutes to close your eyes and focus on your breathing through the art of meditation. A popular way to unwind, destress, and relax the mind. 
  2. Take a Bath or Long Shower - Grab some bubbles and some essential oils and relax with the steam. It will be tough to acknowledge your stress when you’re that relaxed.
  3. Pamper Yourself - Paint your nails, do a face mask, experiment with new hairstyles or makeup, it’s a great time to treat yourself. 
  4. At Home Workouts - With gyms and workout classes being cancelled, your home can double as a workout space. Try some low impact workouts like crunches, push-ups, stretches, yoga, and so on!
  5. Read a Good Book - Unplug from all the technology, get comfortable, and crack open a good book. Maybe it’s one you’ve read before and it’s an all time favorite, or it’s one you’ve been meaning to read but couldn’t find the time. Either way, it will be good for the mind and soul. 


  1. Easy Clean Ups - Even the simplest of jobs can boost our moods, so start small. Do the dishes, make the bed, tidy up the couch pillows. A small job can lead to big time mental state rewards. 
  2. Organize Your Kitchen - We’re all guilty of the “Junk Drawer” or the pile of mismatched tupperware. But now, you have the opportunity to go through it all and organize.
  3. Clean Out Your Closet - With the warm weather on its way in, it’s time to swap out the winter clothes for the spring ones. But while you do that, take some time to make a donation pile of clothes, shoes, and other items you no longer want or need. Someone else may be in need of exactly what you don’t want.
  4. Wash Your Windows - A task most of us forget exists, but once it’s done it adds so much extra light and happiness to our homes and lives. Definitely a small task worth doing. 
  5. DIY Time - Maybe it’s that chair that never quite fit in with your decor, or it might be that desk that’s a bit dated, either way, roll up your sleeves and tackle a “do it yourself” project this weekend. Breathe new life into an odd piece in your home. 

Being at home for an extended period of time can feel a little overwhelming and boring, but hopefully these tips and ideas will help get you and your family through. Here at Verani Realty, we are invested in making your home dreams come true, so if you’re in the market for a new sanctuary, we can help! Visit Verani.com for more information, besides, admiring some homes for sale in NH and MA can be done from inside too! 

We hope everyone is staying healthy and safe during this time. We’re here if you need us!

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