Spring Cleaning is Good for Your Health and Mind

bucket with cleaning products and flowersIs spring cleaning really all that important? Experts say yes, and not just for those of us who are selling our homes. According to the National Association of Professional Organizers (yes, there really is a professional organization of people who will come and create order in your home), spring cleaning can inspire organization and clarity in many areas of your life- not just your kitchen.

Isn’t that a overstating the capabilities of a clean home? Well no, studies show that people actually feel weighed down by clutter, often like it is sucking the oxygen out of a room. This is why it is so important to clean and de-clutter when you are showing your home to potential buyers too. You want buyers to feel like they will function with ease and peace in your breezy open and clean spaces. Their life will be so much easier and better organized once they buy your home!

As crazy as this sounds, what you surround yourself with can affect your productivity and clarity of thought. There are even some people who have difficulty thinking through problems and multi-tasking (and other things that involve smooth cognitive functioning) when they are surrounded by dirt and clutter.  And let’s face it, if your home is cluttered, you cannot properly clean it (we see you vacuuming around that laundry basket) or create that open, airy feeling that lifts your spirits and inspires you to take control of your day.

So, this spring, you should realize that sitting on the couch inspires an increased desire to sit on the couch surrounded by your clutter and a dirty house. Get up and get cleaning! You will be thankful you did and getting started does not have to be difficult:

  • Learn to let go. If you haven't used something since the last spring clean, it might be time to say goodbye to it. Declutter and organize your desk space or that corner of your countertop where everything piles up and then watch your productivity rise.
  • A good spring cleaning can help you avoid allergy symptoms, according to a study by the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI). Removing allergens from the home can make you feel healthier. Spring cleaning combats dust and pollen that makes its way in through open windows, and both are common allergens.
  • Put on your favorite music and make cleaning and organizing a fun project. The act of cleaning provides a sense of satisfaction, which in turn can put you in a good mood. You are accomplishing something and you can see the results.
  • Take it in small increments. Concentrate on one room at a time to make sure you get the job done properly. If you are getting tired, take a break. Think of the work as a stress reliever, since cleaning and organizing your personal spaces can reduce stress levels.

Committing to a thorough spring cleaning for your home can help clear your mind of the many things that need to be done around the house and makes it easier to focus on other more important things. You may not love the process, but you will appreciate the results.

It's a great time to sell!  If you are thinking of selling your home, start with a free Comparative Market Analysis today!

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