Selecting the Best REALTOR and Agency to Sell Your Home

Verani Realty

couple meeting realtorAccording to The National Association of REALTORS reports the majority, an amazing 94% of Millennials who recently purchased a home, say that they heavily used websites throughout their search process. But, that is not just a generational preference. Baby Boomers, about 84% of them, and 65% of seniors-those 69 to 89 year old- also say that they conducted online research while searching for their next home.

So, if you are looking to sell your home and are searching for a good, experienced REALTOR, you probably want one that has an online presence as well as top-rated credentials. You also want an agency that holds a great position of respect throughout the region, which is seen as a leader in home selling and has a name you recognize and can trust.

The agency that your REALTOR belongs to should offer ongoing training and mentoring for their agents, because that means your REALTOR will have access to education and peer support that improves their abilities on a continuous basis. You are essentially searching for the ultimate “team”, not just a great REALTOR.

Real estate marketers have an enormous opportunity today to get their properties in front of more potential buyers through content marketing, websites, and online advertising to the right markets. Look for a REALTOR and agency that is both capable and experienced, but that also possesses online marketing capabilities.

So if you are searching for an agent, how should you choose? Here are the top five things to look for:

  1. Their experience and the professionalism of the agency they work for:  There are many variables of things that can come up or happen when selling a home and unless your agent has dealt with a lot of the pitfalls that can arise, your agents' level of experience could end up costing you unless they are part of an agency that mentors and supports each other. Always choose a quality agency, with a team of support and educational opportunities for their agents.

  2. An agent who dedicates their time (this is their full-time job) or one who works a partner. A partner can be a plus in getting answers quickly and always having someone available to show your home, so don’t see this as a negative unless you don’t like the partner. You want your chosen agent engaged and actively working to get your home sold and readily available to get the job done. So if that REALTOR is a top seller (aka a tight schedule) two great agents working for you is sometimes even better than just one.

  3. Does the REALTOR have specialized training that applies to your property? Say you have lakefront vacation property you are selling or your home is in a 55+ community, there is specialized training or a level of experience a REALTOR can possess that will help them best understand the nuances of selling your type of property.  Seek a good fit in terms of experience or training.

  4. Seek an agent with online marketing possibilities-like ones set up through the REALTOR’s own website, online ads, or a great easy-to-use search tool for potential buyers on the agency’s website. Ask what this agent is doing to separate themselves from other agents?  How will they market your home? People work harder when they are personally invested, so ask about what makes their marketing plans stand out above the rest.

  5. Is social media part of the marketing plan for this agent’s listings? Today, successful business and sales are accomplished through social media. You want a REALTOR that explores all online avenues to market and sell your home, not just handle it the way it has been done for the last several decades.

Choosing a REALTOR is one of the most important decisions in selling your home. Look for criteria that set them apart from others, like their personal knowledge and the level of service that they can provide as well as the size and professional support and training they get from their agency.

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