Questions to Ask Your Prospective Real Estate Agent

Verani Realty

If you’re thinking about buying or selling your home, you probably have a million questions, so you turn to a local real estate agent. But with so many options out there, how do you know you’ve enlisted the help of the right agent? Here are a few questions to ask your prospective real estate agent: 

  1. Are they licenced? Anybody can claim they’re able to navigate the real estate market, but that doesn’t really lend itself to a successful sale or purchase of a property. Go with a pro. Go with someone who is actively licensed and up on the current market trends.
  2. Does the NH realtor work in your desired geographic area? This is highly important to note. New Hampshire, though a smaller state, still covers a lot of ground, and boasts a lot of unique areas of interest. Making sure your realtor knows your exact area of interest is going to pay dividends.
  3. Does the NH realtor have good references, or any references at all? References equal transactions. Positive references equal a good experience along with a desired outcome. If the NH “realtor” you’re conversing with doesn’t have any references at all, ask them why

Choosing the right agent can make all the difference in your buying or selling experience. To ensure a successful and enjoyable transaction, you need to trust that you’re in the best hands possible. So do your research and don’t be afraid to ask questions - this is one of the biggest decisions and purchases you’ll make after all!  

For more questions to ask your prospective agent, click here

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