How to Find an Agent Who Knows New Hampshire Luxury Real Estate

Verani Realty

luxury real estate in new hampshireLuxury real estate in New Hampshire can run the gamut from lakeside and seaside mansions to modern condos, to historic farmhouses with horse barns that represent our history. Finding your perfect spot in the Granite State can be much easier when you work with a real estate agent who specializes in luxury properties and understands the unique amenities that make them stand out.

The Verani Realty team offers a few suggestions on how to find a luxury real estate agent that may be able to save you the time, hassle, legwork, and paperwork that often accompany million-dollar luxury homes.

Find someone who speaks your language

If you want a tech-enabled smart house that also has a saltwater infinity pool, make sure your agent is well-versed in the types of automation, technology, feature details, and local resources you’ll need for ongoing upkeep. Verani Realty’s team of luxury real estate agents in New Hampshire has the background and expertise in what’s important to you. It shouldn’t be the buyers job to educate the agent about the latest tech specs.

Find someone with an extensive network

Networks are important, but don’t be fooled by someone with 1,500 LinkedIn connections who doesn’t interact with any of them in real life. Our agents who specialize in fine homes talk every day with mortgage brokers, investors, planning boards, and craftspeople. This ensures they’re up to date regarding the latest information that impacts you as a potential buyer. A luxury real estate agent who isn’t afraid to use his or her network for you is a valuable ally. Even more so if someone who has that network and is willing to partner with another real estate professional. If they’re willing to work together for you, they’re focused on your experience, not their commission.

Find someone who understands marketing

How do you know if someone “gets” marketing? Take a look at how they present client property through the web, videos, social media, interviews and overall online visibility. A great luxury real estate agent understands that style and design matter, and that branding is more than a buzzword. It makes all the difference when someone takes the time to develop a cohesive brand, stellar reputation, and beautiful marketing collateral because it suggests they apply the same methodical marketing approach to your search. Pay attention to how prospective agent presents him or herself and if you mesh with the style.

Go local

Find someone who knows the market and its nuances, or who is willing to do the legwork, so you don’t have to. New Hampshire’s luxury real estate market is expansive enough to provide many options, but intimate enough for agents to hone in on the small differences that might set a property apart from other similar homes you’re considering. When browsing online listings for luxury homes, all soaking tubs and SubZero appliances start to look the same. A good New Hampshire luxury real estate agent will be able to tell you the difference between the model numbers at different properties, and how those amenities stack up to others in similar properties.

Buying a new home is a complex process, and it’s common to underestimate the inherent risks that accompany any large-scale transaction. Working with luxury real estate agents from Verani Realty removes time-consuming legwork and back-and-forth with sellers, sellers’ agents, legal teams, inspectors, surveyors, and lenders accustomed to high-value real estate transactions.

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