Moving With a Pet: Tips to Make it a Smooth Transition

dogs in box

Moving can be stressful on everyone in the family, even your furry family members. If you are preparing for the big move and are worried about how your pet will handle the transition, relax. There are a few things you can do, and plan for ahead of time, to make the big day go smoothly for everyone-even Fido.

Some Pre-move Preparation

  • It is wise to learn about the community you are moving to and this includes anything pet owners might need to know. Talk to the town offices about the local leash laws and any regulations, pet ordinances (pick up your dog droppings while walking in public areas, for instance) and pet licensing regulations. Make certain if you are leasing your home that pets are allowed, and locate where the nearest dog-friendly park can be found so you and your pet have a clear idea of where to head for a good walk.

  • Secure a new vet if your old one will be too far of a journey for you to make, especially if there was an emergency. Ask for recommendations and checkout the new vets ratings with the Better Business Bureau. Be sure to get copies of all your pet’s medical and vaccination records to take with you.

  • Update your pet’s identification tags. Should your pet go “exploring” without permission- unexpectedly, you want your new address and phone number to be on the tag, not your old, outdated contact info.

  • Pack slowly, to try and keep your pets routine normal as long as possible before the move. They notice when rooms suddenly become bare and boxes take over the living room, and it can inspire nervousness before the move is even close to happening.

Moving Day Tips

  • Make sure you pet is kept secure during the hustle and bustle of moving. Close them into a bathroom or pet carrier to prevent them escaping out of open doors. Or, have your pet stay with a friend during the move to ease the stress of so many boxes piled everywhere and people they may not know moving things out of your house.

  • Keep to their regular feeding schedule, normal routine for walks, and check on them (and show some love) regularly throughout the move.

Once You Are in the New Home

  • Make your new house seems like home to your pet. Prepare their bed, toys, and make it all seem as familiar as possible to them.

  • Keep them leashed when not in the house, even if they used to stay-put in the yard by voice command at your old home. New environments can make them forget the rules until they become comfortable.

  • Make certain you have a photo of your pet handy (not packed away somewhere in all those boxes) just in case that unforeseen escape happens. This will help authorities identify/locate your pet more quickly if they become lost.

With a little preparation, and careful orchestration, your move can be fairly stress free for you and your pet. Before you know it, your pet will feel right at home.

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