Moving to New Hampshire? It Ranks as a Top Choice

New Hampshire symbol in heart shapeThose of us who call New Hampshire home know that the quality of life one finds living here is simply unsurpassed. You will love NH. That may sound like a biased opinion, but it is backed up by facts. In a recent study that examined how the fifty states rank in terms of quality of life for their residents, NH topped the charts with all the key indicators– always in the top ten and often in the top three!

Stay, Work, Play NH, actually put all of these facts together with other tidbits about the Granite State and they call it their Living Index. It’s a combination of eight different national quality of life rankings.

And the results determined NH to come out above the rest… by a very large margin. It confirms what we in New Hampshire already know. It is a great place to live. So if you are moving to NH soon, perhaps for work, or for your general love of New England, your choice to move to New Hampshire was a solid one.

Here are a few of the facts about why NH is a great place to move to:

  • NH is a healthy state, with overall health statistics that outshine many other states in the nation. It has excellent hospitals and highly experienced physicians and specialists who have moved here because they too love the state, and some have migrated up here from the big city of Boston.

  • It is a state that has a low crime rate. Most communities are considered the perfect place to raise a family and feel completely safe in terms of crime and personal safety.

  • NH is a low tax state in terms of having no sales or income tax. What you buy throughout the year is not taxed and a chunk of your income is not handed over to the state like it can be in most other states. There is a property tax that is based upon the value of the property you own.

  • The Granite State provides residents and visitors with a true four season experience, with mountains, beaches, beautiful lakes, great hikes, and fall foliage that attracts visitors from thousands of miles away. Move here and all this happens in your back yard.

  • When college students and recent graduates were surveyed, 94% cited quality of life as a reason they planned to stay and live in NH. So those who come for a while, end up wanting to call this state their home.

  • NH also seems to attract many newcomers later in life. Currently, more than 50% of NH residents were born outside of the state.

  • New Hampshire has numerous “Main Street” communities; quant streets to stroll and little shops and cafés to grab a coffee and chat with friends. New Hampshire is a small state in terms of size and population, yet it offers a very large variety of living options – urban, rural, lakeside, coastal, in the mountains, and more.

Whether you are planning to rent or buy, want to live alone or find a roommate, you will have numerous options in New Hampshire.  When you start comparing housing costs to some of the locations south of NH, living here may become even more desirable. If you are moving to NH soon, contact an experienced Realtor to help with the relocation experience and find you the perfect new home.

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