5 Home Repairs to Do After the Snow Melts

Verani Realty

spring home repairsThis past winter was a season of high winds, high water, lots of snow being plowed and sub-zero temperatures. As a result, your curb appeal might be a little worse for the wear. But, there are things you can do now that the snow has melted to give your home a visual boost and help potential buyers see all of its potential beauty. Take advantage of the warmer weather to fix these five common post-winter curb appeal issues.

  1. Damage to your driveway or paths from snowplows, snow blowers or shoveling

In the middle of a nor’easter, you just think about digging out, not the damage being done by the tools used to remove snow. Once the snow is gone, you may find that your gravel driveway was pushed into the lawn, paths have loose or broken pavers, or that your solar lights are broken.  Make it your weekend project to rake back gravel that has been moved out of place, and fill in any potholes where the plow dug into the driveway. Consider getting a load of gravel to refresh the driveway’s appearance. If your driveway is paved, find and fix cracks or broken areas (hire someone if this task is out of your skillset). Replace broken pavers in the paths around your home, and replace any solar lights that have been damaged.

  1. Fallen branches, old leaves, and trash

High winds in winter can down tree branches, blow in left over leaves from autumn, and even deliver litter into your yard. Take the time to gather and remove any branches and debris that has been left behind. Grab a trash bag and collect all the litter that has been hiding under the snow until now. This includes along the roadway that borders your property. You don’t want potential buyers seeing tons of litter leading up to your property.

  1. Damage to steps, porches or decks

If your steps, porch or deck is made of wood, you may notice that there are some chips in the stain or paint, and gouges or scrapes left behind from shoveling. Find a day when the outside temperature is at least 50 degrees and power wash your steps, porches and decks. Sand down rough spots and touch up any damaged areas with matching stain or paint. If the damage is widespread it may be time to refinish or re-stain/paint the entire porch or deck to get that clean-looking, well-maintained exterior.

  1. Muddy, old door mats

Even if you bought new door mats before the snow first fell, they probably look like they have been through a rough winter (or maybe a holiday-themed mat is still sitting at your door)? Replace old door mats with fresh, clean designs that will truly welcome guests.

  1. Dirty entry doors and windows

Your entry doors may have some mud and grime on them after winter use, and windows may look hazy and dirty. Make them sparkle and look welcoming. This just requires a few rags, soapy water, window cleaner, and an hour or two of your time.

As the weather continues to improve and the trees and flowers begin to blossom, your property will continue to look more alive and appealing to potential buyers seeing it for the first time. In the meantime, clean up obvious signs of winter’s wear and tear, and make any repairs needed to your home’s exterior and landscaping.

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