6 Tips for Choosing a Moving Company

Verani Realty

choosing a moverIf you are getting ready to move, there are many logistics to think about, including who to help you deliver all of your possessions safely to your new home. Hiring a moving company to do the heavy lifting may make the move much easier, but only if you do your homework and choose a reputable moving company.

Here are a few tips to keep in mind as you begin researching movers:

  1. Think about local businesses you know by name.

Getting recommendations from coworkers, friends, new neighbors and family is a wise way to start, but also consider looking at local businesses you know about or whose trucks you see on a regular basis. Avoid taking a chance on an unprofessional mover operating solely over the internet. If you can’t get personal recommendations, look at lists of reliable movers from American Moving and Storage Association and state associations of movers. Search online to learn about any praises or complaints people have about the companies you’re considering.

Find out if there are any other names a company “does business as,” as well as their state and federal license numbers. To find out more about a company’s history, call the consumer complaints hotline at the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, 888-368-7238.

  1. Get a walk-through inventory appointment.

Any trustworthy moving company will insist on taking inventory of your belongings to determine the bulk and weight of your items before they will give an estimate. This walk-through includes checking all areas of storage like the garage, basement, attic, closets and even cupboards. The mover’s price estimate is based on the weight of your belongings and the space they will take up in the truck. Be sure you understand this estimate and that it is as accurate as possible.

  1. Don’t choose a company that demands a large deposit.

Typically, movers do not require full payment upfront or even a large deposit before the move takes place. (They have your stuff, so they know you will pay your bill.) You should only pay upon delivery. If you pay in advance, you have no control over the delivery schedule or how the process is completed.

  1. Calculate packing costs.

You can save money by choosing to pack your belongings yourself, but keep in mind that it can make sense to have professionals do the packing, provided they are experienced. Ask the mover about the experience level of the movers that will pack up your house. Ask about additional charges and prices for boxes, packing materials, time and labor. Make sure your estimate includes these things.

  1. Ask about additional fees.

The number of floors in your home can add to the cost of your move. Typically, you will see an extra charge when movers must navigate stairs – especially if the stars are narrow or difficult to manage while carrying furniture. Make sure to ask your mover about any additional fees that may apply to your situation.

  1. Understand the types of quotes and contracts.

There are a few types of contracts and quotes you may see:

  • In a non-binding estimate, the company cannot require payment more than 10% above the original estimate. Any fees that are added and fit within that 10% cushion must be paid within 30 days of delivery.

  • A non-binding to exceed estimate means the estimate is the maximum amount you will owe for any services rendered. No additional fees can be added.

  • A binding estimate is a guaranteed price for the move, including all extras and services. For any additional tasks requested, extra fees can be charged and must be paid within 30 days of delivery.

Moving can be an exciting, stressful and hectic time in your life. It pays to plan carefully and research so you can find the best company to fit your needs.

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