3 Reasons to Never Skip a Home Inspection

Verani Realty

Home inspection formsWhen you are ready buy a home, you want things to move along quickly and to obtain seller approval on your offer. It’s natural to be anxious and a bit impatient. But there are certain steps you should never skip, and getting a home inspection is one of them.

Your real estate agent works for you, representing you and looking out for your best financial interest. He or she will probably tell you that a home inspection is the key to knowing if you are getting the home you are expecting or a potential money pit.

A home inspection covers everything from urgent, deal-breaking issues to preventative, good to know home care. It is lengthy! Here are 3 reasons to always have one:

  • Hidden issues with the structure over time: The seller may not even know about some of the costly issues hidden in the home –for example, a cracked foundation. Hairline cracks in the foundation tend to be signs of the home settling, but large cracks, uneven blocks or bowed walls could signal a more serious and pricey issue.

  • Hidden issues with the home’s major systems: Perhaps the furnace is 30 years old or it is not firing correctly, or maybe some of the wiring is frayed and potentially dangerous. Home inspectors commonly find ungrounded fixtures, spliced wires not terminated in a proper electric box, receptacles wired backward, and improper breakers in the electric service panel. These are issues you need to know about before you buy. Buying a new furnace or updating electrical wiring are not inexpensive repairs. Major repairs like these are things that could potentially be factored into the price you pay for the home.
  • Hidden damage from water or pests: A leaky roof can eventually cause mold to form and cause wood rot to the entire structure. Termites and carpenter ants can severely damage the structure of a home. It is not always obvious at first glance either. It is best to get an inspection done by a professional who knows how to identify the signs of these types of damage.

These are just a few things that buyers should know about before they close on a home because of the potential of being stuck with a high-cost repair. A home inspection will reveal if there is (or once was) an issue with any of the key components of the home. If a major issue is uncovered, the seller can be asked to make the needed repairs in order to keep the sale alive, or renegotiate the sale price to cover the cost of needed repair.

Purchasing any home should be contingent on an acceptable home inspection or a renegotiation process. It is the only way to help ensure you are getting the home that you expect and not a costly project.

To learn more about the importance of having a home inspection check out our article on 5 Reasons why You Need to Schedule a Home Inspection.

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