Verani Realty

There are a lot of ways to have fun in New Hampshire. From fairs, festivals, expos, tours, and events, you name it-- it's all here! 

After everything we experienced in the past year, fair season is something that we have been looking forward to, and it's finally here! Fair Season has finally started in New Hampshire, and there are many new and exciting events coming up! 

We have listed them out for you to help you plan your next outing this season. Here is the list of fairs and festivals coming up in New Hampshire: 

Exeter Arts & Music Fest 2021 

When: July 17, August 21, and September 18, 2021 

Where: Swasey Parkway 316 Water Street, Exeter, NH 

Tickets: $10- $20 

More Information: https://www.teamexeter.com/ 

New Hampshire Highland Games and Festival 2021 

When: September 17-19, 2021 

Where: Loon Mountain Resort, 60 Loon Mountain Road, Lincoln, NH 

Tickets: Tickets sold per carload admissions. $200 per vehicle (Inclusions: 5 persons More Information: https://nhscot.org/things-to-do/important-details/ 

Littleton Art Festival 2021 

When: September 25, 2021 

Where: Main Street, Littleton, NH 

Tickets: FREE 

More Information: 

http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=8g5aiwbab&oeidk=a07ei3xhfzqb9 5a468c 

2021 Portsmouth Market Square Day Festival 

When: September 18, 2021 

Where: Portsmouth, NH Market Square 

Tickets: FREE 

More Information: https://proportsmouth.org/events/market-square-day/ 

Hampton Beach Seafood Festival 

When: September 10-12, 2021 

Where: Hampton Beach, NH 

More Information: seafoodfestivalnh.com

Granite State Fair (Formally Rochester Fair)

When: September 16-26, 2021 

Where: 72 Lafayette St, Rochester, NH

Tickets: $10 per person 

More Information: https://www.granitestatefair.com/ 

Deerfield Fair 

When: September 30-October 3, 2021 

Where: Deerfield Fairgrounds, 34 Stage Rd, Deerfield, NH 

Tickets: Adult Tickets - $12.00 each (13 and older) ; Kids are FREE 

More Information: deerfieldfair.com 

Pumpkin Festival 2021 at Charmingfare Farm 

When: October 2-4 & 9-11, 2021 

Where: Charmingfare Farm, 774 High Street, Candia, NH 

Tickets: $22 

More Information: https://www.visitthefarm.com/cff/pumpkin-festival/ 

Sandwich Fair 

When: October 9-11, 2021 

Where: Sandwich Fairgrounds, Route 109 North, Center Sandwich Tickets: Adult Tickets - $12.00 each (13 and older); Kids are FREE 

More Information: thesandwichfair.com 

    What better way to enjoy this Season than doing it with your loved ones and friends? Plan your season itinerary and enjoy the seasonal foods that you've been craving for the past year, and get to discover exciting events throughout the Season!

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